Everyone knows what is going on with me, including the authorities. Since discovering targetedjustice.com and their pending lawsuit I have come to realize there are 1000s like me in this world put on FBI "terror watchlists" and then experimented on. Why are we pretending that this Targeted Individual program is not going on in this country? Why are we letting the military experiment on human souls and consciousness with radio and magnetic waves? Why are we so afraid to defend the laws and Constitution of which we've abided by our whole lives? If you file a complaint over this subject you are treated as mentally ill as if this was magic and not strictly science. This type of science on the body and mind has been going on since the 90's and it seems like it's a way to punish individuals who speak for their freedoms or have gifted minds. Since when do we have secret police and watchlists in the USA with no due process? Why is everyone so afraid to speak up when I'm here living it hour after hour minute after minute while giving a play by play? Has evil truly prevailed over good in this country? Are we truly cowards ran by an oligarchy who can put you on a torture list at their whim? Have we chosen the convenient path, the easy out when there are 1000s of people suffering this everyday? Stand up for the tortured. Notify your Congressmen and media as I have done. Over 100 emails but I could use some help.
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