Since posting this update they have shot electricity up my anus every waking moment I'm conscious and they even wake me up while I'm trying to sleep with this "strategy." So much it gets your heart racing. They're also microwaving my brain to the point that I can actually feel the off gassing of my cerebral fluid not just hear it. I now have a headache 24/7. It's not like regular headache though, it's like a deep pressure in my head, sounds weird but it feels like it's sunburned, all from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep. The sleep deprivation is torturous, where they shoot a frequency directly into my head in the middle of the night so much that the frey affect keeps me up. This is all under the American flag. What a clown facade of a this country is. We shall take not one step back.
After 6 months of pure torture 24/7 under this machine I have noticed these clowns have evolved this weapon and their futile strategy;
As stated on the first page, I suspected they were syncing my brain waves due to they frey affect happening to my head with no noticable changes in my thoughts or demeanor. This told me that they were essentially using radar techniques to log specific brain waves to specific thoughts or movements. This is now confirmed. I've determined over 6 months of observation if I'm not exclusively thinking, doing, or focused on something, they can make my hands move to specific parts or specific areas that mean things as stated previously in "Computers and Macros," all for intimidation or "scientific" purposes. They can make my eyes move around at will, crossing them when I try to watch TV, and have even kept me up all night making me blink over 100 times a minute while I'm trying to sleep - this is sleep deprivation torture. I've also found that I am now far sighted also after a lifetime of impeccable vision due to the microwaving of my optic nerves.
UPDATE TO ABOVE. They ARE using specific frequencies to modulate feelings. I have found myself go from happy to sad to angry to anxious all in a short period of time with no reason nor with any time for pharmaceuticals to be involved. Music no longer excites me, nor do any things in life frankly. The only feeling they can't take from me is anger from what they're doing to me. The things that make us human, which make life worth it, are no longer there. I am essentially a zombie, numb. They are monsters, DARPA experimenters on human consciousness 100%. Demons.
"A man may die, nations may fall, but an idea lives on" -JFK
While they can change your emotions and insert thoughts, I've discovered two things. First, they can't scare me, that frequency doesn't exist. They are mere mortals like me and everyone poops. I've proven myself to myself. Also how do you win a war against a man who's idea of death is paradise? You can't. I have faith in an omnipotent being and have been guided by him the whole way. Second, the anger I have for them due to what they are doing is impossible to block. The Constitution and it's subsequent framework is what we were both born into and I'm a stickler for a contract to say the least, once again they poop. They cannot change an idea, belief, or way instilled in ones mind. This is why they can't or ever win. They are however frying all different parts of my mind now searching for the idea in a futile attempt to stop this -coercion isn't working. They would have to slice up all multi-exoflops and at that point I'll no longer be conscious.
Thought intrusion has become overwhelming at this point. I've used methods previously stated to backtrack original thoughts but now have AI taking advantage of this by inserting relentlessly the thought asking if that was my original thought or theirs, to insert doubt. This method they use is coupled with the sadistic procedure of either an LSD type drug and the actually physical decoupling of some part in my brain that tells you if something is counterfeit or not. I would suspect it is in the back center of the head due to the crackling I hear constantly daily and it's immediate effects. I'm no longer sure of which thoughts are my own or which are theirs but it has since gotten easier if I stay on a linear path and thought process. They're trying to induce schizophrenia in my opinion.
One concerning hypothesis is that they are able to log memories. I have found that old distant memories will suddenly pop into my head that I haven't thought of for years and at face value had no reason to be thought up at that moment, but on second thought contextually applied to the situation at hand to intimidate me. This is then reaffirmed by a yes toe tap. Not in slightest way impossible, I had determined long ago one way my brain indexed information was alphabetically -easy for AI. Luckily neurons and synapses are omni directional and computers are linear at best.😉😉 Once identified, I'm finding I can train my brain faster to notice these than they can train their AI.
It is now confirmed they are also activating/deactivating the endocrine response part of the brain by either stimulation by pressure waves and/or specific frequencies. If I feel a constant pressure wave on left lobe it makes me tired and if on the right side it activates the adrenaline response. This is all strictly from observation, I have no background of neuroscience and have not even googled what specific parts of the brain even do. I don't want to know due to the futility of my situation, and frankly it makes for more accurate observations for We The People. They use these methods to put me asleep to then wake me up over and over for long periods - another sleep deprivation torture. Frequency matching is suspected due to pressure waves not being felt but changes in mood are, but It's hard to discern due to the aerosolized drugs they are using on my property everyday.
Other methods they are using is tremors, where they excite certain muscle groups to make them shake, this is known because only one specific group shakes not the whole body. They do this along with excitation of saliva glands(swallowing or gulping) to try to make me think I'm nervous. Such 2d stick figure maneuvers, Lol.
One peculiar observation was from my left middle finger that just was reveal recently. I found that a sharp electrical impulse was felt any time the tip touched anything, even soft things, as if glass or metal was stuck in it. This feeling went away after repeatedly touching something with it about 10 times only for it to come back after not touching anything for 1 min. I initially thought I did have glass in it but came to the hypothesis they were denaturing the sheath around the nerve ending which would cause my nervous system to overreact to the now shieldless nerve ending. A cursory search done previously regarding Parkinson's or the like helped me make this hypothesis.
They have increased and evolved the attacks on my genitals, done for hours daily, and have refined stimulation of my scrotum and perineum to try to excite me. This is coupled with stimulation of the penis tip and activation of the pelvic floor muscles along with excitation of the nerves in the bladder that cause an erection. This is always followed with the the intrusive thoughts of "this feels good" when it absolutely doesn't. They spend over 12 hours a day doing this, everyday, including when I am trying to sleep. Happy to say it's to no avail, although extremely uncomfortable.
They have also now found a way to "pump" acid into my stomach. They do it for hours daily, I suspect to induce ulcers it's so bad. I take over 5 max strength Tums a day to counter the horrible acid reflux, they couple it with incessant stimulation of the diaphragm(hiccups), and as previously stated, they stimulate the entire large intestine so that I don't absorb food properly and comes out a lot of the time the same way it went in. Drinking calories or repression of excretion seems to help, although it's hard with them constantly stimulating the lower intestine.
Targeting of the heart is also a daily occurrence, almost hourly, where they induce palpitations to say the least. Deep heart pauses, even stoppages, that you can feel in your chest and Carotid arteries. I'm sure major damage is being done to the heart valves, nevermind the future of a heart attack. Not sure what's keeping this bad boy going still and I'm sure they aren't either.
Sleep narration has gotten more and more vivid. They can not only control the narrative but also my actions in the dream. They wake me up at specific points so that I will try to remember it and it will instill thoughts or feelings. I also find myself in that semi conscious state being taken over completely in thoughts and now physical movements. Which of course wakes me up. For now.
They are also using this machine for machine learning of critical thinking. Anytime I am trying to decipher a clue, hint, or suggestion that they have placed in my path I feel a deep constant pressure wave coupled with the frey effect in my head, always followed by a headache. There were too many instances where the setup was too obvious that they were trying to make me think with dead end clues that on first sight could help me out of my situation. IN ESSENCE DON'T THINK CRITICALLY IF NOT NECESSARY!
They are now trying to induce a heart attack constantly. They couple drugs with pinging my heart in succession along with shooting electricity up my leg nerves. They say it's because of this website as if I'm supposed to be punished for my first amendment right.
They now play songs that I know in my subconscious over and over again to try to tire my brain out. It only works when I'm not focused on something or doing something in auto-mode, like dishes or carpentry. At first It was over whelming but if you concentrate on keeping your mind blank you can override them. Start with overriding then with something else, I use the Bill of Rights, and work your way from there.
Update: They are now sunburning my face. I wake up now to what feels like a sunburned face every day. This I'm assuming is ionizing radiation. It's the winter and I don't go outside yet feel sunburned all the time now. They are also sending pressure waves into my skull for hours at a time. It's distinct in the feeling. For the past 8 months this machine has vectored in 3d and always stopped and pinpointed at a nerve ending when felt. Now there is also a wave that is felt by pressure or pain in a localized region. I suspect scanning of emotional or thought activity through some type of radar. I can feel the pressure release through my nose when I softly hit my head. My brain has shrunk due to the fact that if I hit my head on one side I can feel pain on the opposite side due to movement. Shrinkage. They are futility using this to control the endocrine system. Everyday It becomes less and less effective though, my brain is dying. The crackling in the rear portion of my skull is now nonstop. There is less observable affects in tiredness when this is done but I am losing more and more vocabulary and thought continuity. Slow painful brain damage, without a doubt.
The tryhards on 3rd shift are especially vile. They send a frequency to put you to sleep only to twitch your leg as soon as you start falling asleep awakening you over and over. For hours. I've determined that they want me to point a specific way so they have easier access to my genitals. They want me to point south. This is also the direction I've determined the majority of the waves are coming from. Funny because I have a big hill on that side and the slope wouldn't Be coming from a cell tower.
Could use some help over this. I'm sure I won't get it though in this corrupt country. We'll have to wait for the even ground past this world.
Everyone knows what is going on with me, including the authorities. Since discovering and their pending lawsuit I have come to realize there are 1000s like me in this world put on FBI "terror watchlists" and then experimented on. Why are we pretending that this Targeted Individual program is not going on in this country? Why are we letting the military experiment on human souls and consciousness with radio and magnetic waves? Why are we so afraid to defend the laws and Constitution of which we've abided by our whole lives? If you file a complaint over this subject you are treated as mentally ill as if this was magic and not strictly science. This type of science on the body and mind has been going on since the 90's and it seems like it's a way to punish individuals who speak for their freedoms or have gifted minds. Since when do we have secret police and watchlists in the USA with no due process? Why is everyone so afraid to speak up when I'm here living it hour after hour minute after minute while giving a play by play? Has evil truly prevailed over good in this country? Are we truly cowards ran by an oligarchy who can put you on a torture list at their whim? Have we chosen the convenient path, the easy out when there are 1000s of people suffering this everyday? Stand up for the tortured. Notify your Congressmen and media as I have done. Over 100 emails but I could use some help.
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